Hoshizora Kiseki
Type: Movie
Plot Summary: Kozue, a member of an astronomical club, is a girl who dreams of the starry sky and of a summer romance. During one summer break, she sets out on a journey with a shining fragment of a fallen meteor hanging from her wrist and with a distant feeling that someone calling her. On her trip, she catches a glance of a boy with sad eyes. Later that evening she meets him in an isolated astronomical observatory,and feels an attraction to him, as they spend time talking about the stars. Ginga is a boy who has lived his life in a bubble as part of a governmental program to contact an orbital satellite and feels very alone in his structured and isolated life. Under the innumerable stars in the sky, a night of friendship and miracles begin...
Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi
Released: 2006
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: 星空キセキ
gogoanime Alternative: Hoshizora Kiseki